All Conversion metrics are a ratio between two values. Here's a visual representation of the metrics Total Conversion, Visitor to BE Conversion and BE to Booking Conversion, as part of the Conversion Funnel:
Total Conversion Rate
This pertains to direct conversions only.
The conversion rate is calculated by dividing the total number of direct bookings by the total number of website visitors in the selected period, and multiplying the quotient by 100.
(Direct Bookings / Total visitors) X 100
Visitor to BE Conversion
This conversion rate analyses the next step in the user journey, qualifying the percentage of visitors that landed on the hotel websites in your destination and actually made a search on the Booking Engine, disregarding whether or not it resulted in a booking.
(Number of searchers / Number of visitors) X 100
BE to Booking Conversion
This conversion rate only looks at the visitors who made a search on the Booking Engine (BE). This conversion rate is calculated by dividing the total number of direct bookings by the total number of BE visitors during the selected period, and multiplying this number by 100.
(Direct Bookings / Number of searchers (BE visitors) X 100
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